Angel Investors list of 2000+ Investors with their email addresses
Made by Capital connect
Venture capitalist (VC)
If you are building something in the FinTech and EdTech space and planning to cold email the Investors, this product would be useful for you.
Here is a list of 2000+ Investors with their email addresses that invest in the FinTech and EdTech ecosystem around the world.
The list includes:
🥇 Contact Name
🥇 Email Address
🥇 LinkedIn URL
🥇 Company Name
🥇 Country
🥇 Total Number of Investments
Many may say that this type of list doesn’t work well but if you can write a perfect cold email then the response rate would be much higher.
Below is a cold emailing format from OpenVC I use for reaching the relevant investors.
Subject Line Examples:
- Enterprise SaaS- 2x Exited Founder- India- Pre-Seed
- Enterprise SaaS- Lead Secured- India- Pre-Seed
"Dear John, [Personal greetings]
I'm Chad Kroger, founder of Nickelback - a DevOps platform that automates the QA process for large financial institutions. [No-bullshit intro and value prop.]
Your investments in Janga and Paracels + your Twitter thread on
Kubernetes really resonated with me, so here I am :) [Show "why them?".10 min work per email.]
A few facts about us: [ Positive signal on team, product, growth. Bullet points make it easy to read. Names and numbers make it tangible]
- CEO has 7 years doing enterprise sales (Adobe, Microsoft), CTO
was former lead dev at Experia (acquired for 9 figures)
- MVP is live and functional
- 2 pilots in progress with Fortune 500 cos and the pipeline is looking good
We're raising a $500k pre-seed (see deck), of which 30% is already committed, and feel like this could be a great fit.
Would you be open to a 30-min call next week? Here's my Calendly.
[Commits are a big plus. Deck and Calendly for efficiency. Clear CTA.]
Best Regards,
Chad Kroeger
CEO- Nickelback"
Please remember while reaching the Investor try to do a bit of research about the Investor, their sector preference, geography preference, and the check size.
Second: please don’t follow the Spray and Pray approach; try to reach relevant investors only.
Third: Relationship first and Ask second. You need investment urgently that doesn’t mean investors will invest asap. Try to be patient and a bit considerate.
A crazy time saver for everyone.